Thanks for all, it has been a great help.

MikeM wrote:

Since I reload the firewall rules remotely, I need the -q option on the ipfw command, e.g.:

ipfw -q /etc/ipfw.conf

otherwise I lose my ssh connection to the box.

See man ipfw(8) for details on -q

On 3/10/2004 at 8:27 PM Thomas Vogt wrote:

|ipfw flush # deletes all
|ipfw /etc/ipfw.conf # loads all
|Nagy László Zsolt wrote:
|> |> Hi!
|> |> I'm using my own ip firewall (firewall_type="/etc/ipfw.conf") on my |> FreeBSD 5.2 system. My problem is, how can I reload the whole thing? The

|> ipfw command is for creating and deleting individual rules. What I would

|> like to do is to create profiles (different config files) and reload the

|> whole firewall configuration anytime. Is there a command for this? What |> I do now is that I reboot my box every time I change firewall |> configuration. But of course this is clumsy and very bad. I may start |> services on the server which will not allow me to reboot daily. Thanks |> in advance.
|> |> Laci 2.0
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