Thank you for your response Ion-Mihai,

On the router question, no, the router is a separate device, a D-Link 504H but is a loaner while my D-Link 804HV is in the shop. After changing them out is when I discovered I had problems. Apparently the DL804 handled whatever the problem was without a complaint.

Yes I have been through setup a few times. So far all I have been able to do is take the server off-line.

I have also looked up setup for NATD and I think I can enable it but would not be able to write the firewall rules for it to read yet, as I understand needs to be done. I also had a little help with setup originally and I know there is something of a firewall setup but without know what exactly I would be afraid of interfering with what is there and making a mess of it.

Sorry I am such a non-user.


Ion-Mihai Tetcu wrote:

On Mon, 10 May 2004 11:24:02 +0930
"Jeffrey P. Toth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Dave,

I am sure the problem is that I do not have the networking on the FreeBSD box setup correctly. Anyway, 3 computers on the network, 1 FreeBSD, 1 XP and 1 Win98. All connected to router at IP The FreeBSD machine is set and should be set to OK, all work fine until, I try to call up the the static IP, or call up and of the websites by http: from a browser or using lynx on the FreeBSD box, I get an error: Alert!: Unexpected network read error; connection aborted or on the Win boxes the browser just times out. Shortly after or at the timeout, the router freezes and I have to power reboot it.

This shouldn't happen what ever you configured you box (I mean from networking point of view).

I am very sure that this is because I have not properly set it up and the error is just a symptom of that. In rc.conf for settings all I have right now is:

ifconfig_xl0="inet netmask"

I have read a lot about it and suspect this isn't right but really not sure how to make the change. I think it should be:

ifconfig_xl0="" #static IP address
ifconfig_rl0="inet netmask"

Well, I don't understand if you use you FreeBSD box as a router or not.

If yes, then you should have something like:
ifconfig_rl0="inet   netmask"
ifconfig_rl1="inet  netmask"

where rl0 would be your outside interface connencted to your upstream
provider's router with ip address and rl1 would be the
inside interface connected to a hub/switch with the internal machines.

You would also want to use natd on the router, because 192.168/24 is a
private address space. So you would add to you rc.conf:

You need FIREWALL="YES" for natd to work.

All this is very well explained in the FreeBSD Handbook, tahe a look at:
6.8 Setting Up Network Interface Cards
19.3 Wireless Networking

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