Thomas Beer wrote:


I'm currently trying to install XFree86-4. It stops with
Error code 127 makestrs: not found but makestrs is located
in /usr/X11R6/bin and the path is set. Any pointers would
be highly appreciated.

Thanks Tom

Hello Tom,

Unfortunately, I'm not able to help you.  There are various reasons
for that; one of them is that I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to
such things.

However, it might be good for the list, and for you if you want
an answer to your question, to post a few details:

*what command did you use?  Is this a package, or a port?
*what is your environment?  Other than assuming that you
    are running FreeBSD, you didn't give us any information.
    (By way of example, the FBSD docs inform you to include
    the output of uname -a in your posts to the list...)

It might be good to quote just the last few lines of the
output (which is from "make"?  or "install"?)


Kevin Kinsey
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