On Wednesday 05 May 2004 02:13 pm, Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. wrote:
> Thomas Beer wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I'm currently trying to install XFree86-4. It stops with
> >Error code 127 makestrs: not found but makestrs is located
> >in /usr/X11R6/bin and the path is set. Any pointers would
> >be highly appreciated.
> >
> >Thanks Tom
> Hello Tom,
> Unfortunately, I'm not able to help you.  There are various reasons
> for that; one of them is that I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to
> such things.

I can't either but when I read this, one of the first things that popped 
into my mind is installing a version built for the wrong version of 
FreeBSD. For example, installing a version for 5.x on 4.x or vice 


> However, it might be good for the list, and for you if you want
> an answer to your question, to post a few details:
> *what command did you use?  Is this a package, or a port?
> *what is your environment?  Other than assuming that you
>      are running FreeBSD, you didn't give us any information.
>      (By way of example, the FBSD docs inform you to include
>      the output of uname -a in your posts to the list...)
> It might be good to quote just the last few lines of the
> output (which is from "make"?  or "install"?)
> HTH,
> Kevin Kinsey
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Richland, WA

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