> I need to make both the floppy drive (fd0), the internal zip dive (afd0) 
> and the cdrom (acd0) usable by any user without having to use 'sudo' or go
> the 'su' route.


you want /dev/devfs.conf (see devfs(8) for more details).


# Commonly used by many ports
link    acd0    cdrom
perm    cdrom   0660
own     cdrom   root:operator

# burncd
perm    acd0    0660

# xcdroast
perm    xpt0    0660
perm    pass0   0660

This will make your setting persisting over reboots.
In order to apply your changes to that file (without rebooting),
simply run (as root)

/etc/rc.d/devfs restart


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