On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 13:55:05 -0500
"Christopher Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am a new user to FreeBSD.  Is Windows X an extremely basic windows
> program.  I loaded your CD that I purchased from Microcenter onto my
> computer and I was not able to see anything except a very primitive
> windows program.  If this is what is then I'm fine with it, but if there
> is more how can I get to it?

there is most definitely both more functionality and eye candy available
than what you're probably seeing right now.

since you're new to freebsd (and, presumably, unix in general), you're
going to want to spend quite a bit of time reading.  searching through the
following sources will probably yield the richest results:

o  the freebsd handbook (perhaps the best OS handbook out there):
    - http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/index.html
    - you also have a copy locally installed at /usr/share/doc/handbook.

o the freebsd-questions mailing list archive:
   - http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-questions/

o google

o any books you may have purchased.

regarding your question, i would recommend starting off with the handbook
section on X:


note that the handbook only touches upon 3 of the better known window
managers/desktop environments.  if you're looking for something that won't
be too disorienting (say you're coming from windows or mac), try KDE or
GNOME.  these are full blown desktop enviroments (applications, games, etc)
and HUGE installations.

there are scads of other window managers out there and these vary
greatly in size and functionality.  with a little time and experimentation,
you'll eventually find the one that best suits your needs.

about format for mailing list questions:

o many people reading and replying here use tools that don't react quite
the same way as outlook express.  your messages with reach the greatest
amount of readers while causing these the least amount of grief, if you
'wrap' your messages at around 75 characters.  (either through a setting in
your mail client or by simply hitting return every now and then)

o you may find this article helpful --> http://www.lemis.com/questions.html

hope this helps and welcome to freebsd.


> Thank You for you Time,
> Christopher Smith
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