On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 13:55:05 -0500
"Christopher Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am a new user to FreeBSD.  Is Windows X an extremely basic windows
> program.  I loaded your CD that I purchased from Microcenter onto my
> computer and I was not able to see anything except a very primitive
> windows program.  If this is what is then I'm fine with it, but if
> there is more how can I get to it?
> Thank You for you Time,
> Christopher Smith
> _______________________________________________


there is much more, you are bound to find a window manager that you

Take a look at http://xwinman.org/ to get an overview of what's
available. Most (if not all) of the window managers there are available
for FreeBSD, except some under "others".

Since you say you'd be fine with the default window manager I think you
will like one of the "lighter" ones, take a look at fluxbox - it's a
great window manager!

Good luck!

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