
I have a strange problem with the NVidia drivers on my machines: when I start
a glx-application (glxgears, quake2...) the performance is normal. If I
make another attempt a few minutes later, the performance is ridiculous slow.


glxgears, 1st run: 6400 FPS
glxgears, 2nd run:   17 FPS

FreeBSD-versions: 5.2.1-p9 and 4.10-STABLE
Nvidia-cards: GF4-Ti/4200
Boards: Asus A7V-600 (Athlon XP)

If have tried several combinations of AGP-Support (FreeBSD vs. NVidia),
nvidia-sysctls, XF86Configs ... without success.

The next strange thing: if I wait several minutes, the performance
is normal again, but only for 1 attempt, the next one ist slow again. This
makes playing Quake2 impossible, because connecting a server includes a
"vid_restart" (-> sloooow).

I guess that something gets "locked" somehow. The next thing I want to
try is an older 4.x version.

Could this be a problem with the VIA KT600 chipset? Does anybody
else experience this problem or am I the only lamer playing Quake on
FreeBSD? ;)

thank you for any help,

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