Well, I have certainly learnt my lesson. And I have been kicking myself all afternoon. From now on, I will peruse the list carefully before updating. Scout's honor.

At the risk of exposing myself to more abuse, I have another question - how do I make the system automatically load io.ko and mem.ko when it boots? For that matter, how do I make it load ndis.ko? I am having trouble finding the generalized "load x.ko at boot" instruction. Does it go in rc.conf?
-- Jason Dusek ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._
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Kris Kennaway wrote:
On Thu, Aug 12, 2004 at 07:35:49PM -0500, Jason Dusek wrote:

I just rebuilt my system and put Xorg on it. I'm running CURRENT
(grabbed the source yesterday). When I try to start X, I got the
following error:

If you're running -current you MUST read the freebsd-current mailing
list.  Also read the UPDATING file whenever you update your sources.

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