Curtis Vaughan writes:

>  Finally, while I'm reinstalling 4.8, I would like to know
>  something about the following.
>  It seems to me that cvsup is actually downloading the entire
>  repository of packages for FreeBSD.  Is that really what one has
>  to do to perform an upgrade?

        Cvsup updates what you tell it to update - if you ask
correctly, as little as a single file.
>                                                 It seems like what you would need
>  to do is merely upgrade those packages necessary for the latest
>  kernel,


>                       then upgrade the kernel,


>                                                                then upgrade all 
> installed
>  packages.  (Packages meaning ports, right?)

        And that's right, except ....
        Once you've installed the ports tree (say from CD) do one run
of cvsup to bring the tree up to date.  This may be a fairly large
update, but will not be everything because some ports haven't
changed in years.
        Afterwards, you can run another update once a week, or once a
month.  (Once a month is stretching it, because some popular ports
get updated very frequently.)
        If there are parts of the ports tree you don't care about
(e.g. vietnamese or mbone) there are ways to tell cvsup to ignore
that entire sub-tree.

        Did this answer your question?  (And if not, can you be more

                                Robert Huff

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