On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 10:01:13 +0200
"falko klein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear FreeBSD-Team,
> I am looking for somebody officially representing FreeBSD for a short
> e-mail-interview.

hello falko,

just for the sake of completeness, you may also want to consider

http://www.freebsdfoundation.org/   <-- contact info on site

as regards freebsd.org itself, it would appear that the the 'Public
Relations & Corporate Liaison' seat is currently unfilled.  see:


hopefully, someone from questions@ will be able to point you in the right
direction (or simply step forward) as regards locating a freebsd.org

i suspect that providing a little additional information regarding
your thesis would help to narrow down list of suitable individuals.  for
example, what is your thesis statement?  what area of freebsd/opensource 
will your questions be targeting?

hope this helps,

> As a background: I am student at Faculty of Management in Ingolstadt,
> writing my final thesis about open-source-projects.
> Kind regards, Falko
> falko klein
> münzbergstrasse 9
> 85049 ingolstadt
> germany
> tel   +49.841.9318852
> fax   +49.841.9318852
> mobil +49.172.5158651
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