On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 10:01:13 +0200, falko klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear FreeBSD-Team,

I am looking for somebody officially representing FreeBSD for a short

As a background: I am student at Faculty of Management in Ingolstadt,
writing my final thesis about open-source-projects.

Kind regards, Falko

falko klein
münzbergstrasse 9
85049 ingolstadt
tel +49.841.9318852
fax +49.841.9318852
mobil +49.172.5158651

Subhro wrote:

 As far as I know, FreeBSD, although does have a development and a
maintainance team, it is much loosely coupled. Anyone may join the
team if they contribute something which the development team thinks to
be worthwhile to be included into the FreeBSD project. So like M$ and
similar concerns, you won't find a very OFFICAL person. However if you
ask your questions in the list, I believe the knowledgable people here
would surely answer.


FreeBSD also has an elected "Core team". Although you might say it is "loosely coupled", I think these guys take what they do for FBSD pretty seriously. Think of the time invested in the Project, for starters.

Probably Falko should contact several (or all) of these gentlemen.  One
or two might consent to an interview.

Refer to:



Kevin Kinsey
DaleCo, S.P.
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