On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 00:20:04 +0100, Robin Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to install squirrelmail, but it seems that PHP + apache 2 +
> squirrelmail doesn't go. I tried and although the install proceeds I get
>   crashes in PHP.

I got apache2/courier-imap/php4/squirrelmail running ok on my FreeBSD
5.2.1 system. I did it all from ports and it seemed to work ok (just a
test system that has no real load and gets destroyed every few days
when I get an urge for something new - it's already gone as i write

> PHP appears to deprecate apache 2 at present and looking at the

the lang/php4 port allowed me to set WITH_APACHE2=yes (I guess php5
would too ...) in make.conf and that made things happier.

sorry if this is way off ... it worked for me but i may have bumbled
into it  ...

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