
starting on mainframe in the middle 80's,
i met a dilemn in the later 90's : if you want a job,
you must run on Microsoft.
Well, i started a new learn of computing on this
OS, "un-learning" all about i knew on computing,
a very difficult task when you're coming from IBM...
All my friends repeated to me :
"you should work on Unix like system, you should .."
2 month's ago, i would like to setup my own server,
at home, with web, ftp and mail services.
I want him robust, efficient, safe and so one.
i dreamed to get an old 3090 for 500$ !, but
there's no place at home for him :o)
Thus, i have started to install my first FreeBSD
(on a very special computer) ... 2 weeks later,
without any knowledge about Unix like systems,
my httpd, ftpd ran (very ?!) well. This mean that
your system is well designed and documented.
Monitoring access, it's incredible to see that BSD
is faster by 2 to 3 than other tested system.
and i discovered that computing is absolutely what
i learned on IBM ..

Great thanks to the community, and your effort to
document FreeBSD, even in French (we are so bad with
others languages ..!), i hope to help the FreeBSD users
by writing some drivers and other things,

K. Regards, take care,

Valery aka v/
www.vslash.com - opened today.

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