On Sat, Oct 02, 2004 at 05:51:30PM -0600, Feng Wang wrote:
> Dear Freebsd development team:
> I found the samba server on freebsd corrupts my file under the following 
> conditions:
> Put a large text file, in my case a fortran 77 source code, in unix format.
> Open it using any text editor under windowxp. I tried ultraedit and compaq 
> visual fortran ide.
> The file will be corrupted. I tried several large files on two different 
> drives. It is reproducible.
> My samba server does not currupt the file if it is in dos format.
> It also does not corrupt my other binary files.
> I am using freebsd 4.10 release.


It doesn't seem that this bug is in any way related to FreeBSD. Samba is
a thirth party software. You need to report this bug to the samba
development team instead. www.samba.org i think.

Secondly, if this bug was related to FreeBSD then you would still be in
the wrong place. Bugs can be either submitted by the sendbug tool on you
FreeBSD box or via the website www.freebsd.org.


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