On Tue, Oct 05, 2004 at 11:00:11PM -0700, Michael Alipio wrote:
> Good Day,
>   I used ssh to log-in remotely from work to my home
> pc which already obtained a temporary ip address from
> my isp, however, I failed to connect. Is it because I
> am ssh'ing using a pc with a private ip? I tried
> pinging my remote pc but no single packet returned..
> I'm thinking that any other service such as ftpd or
> httpd will not work also, though I've not tried it
> yet. I've tried ftp'ing my home pc but using a public
> ip and it worked.. I'm not sure if it will still work
> from a private ip computer.
> Any idea?

So you're home PC has a public IP and you work PC has a private IP and
is behind a NAT router? This doesn't cause problems for ssh. It more
likly a firewall problem somewhere. Either you're firewall of that of
the companie.


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