On Oct 6, 2004, at 11:15 AM, Alex de Kruijff wrote:

On Tue, Oct 05, 2004 at 11:00:11PM -0700, Michael Alipio wrote:
Good Day,
  I used ssh to log-in remotely from work to my home
pc which already obtained a temporary ip address from
my isp, however, I failed to connect. Is it because I
am ssh'ing using a pc with a private ip? I tried
pinging my remote pc but no single packet returned..
I'm thinking that any other service such as ftpd or
httpd will not work also, though I've not tried it
yet. I've tried ftp'ing my home pc but using a public
ip and it worked.. I'm not sure if it will still work
from a private ip computer.
Any idea?

So you're home PC has a public IP and you work PC has a private IP and is behind a NAT router? This doesn't cause problems for ssh. It more likly a firewall problem somewhere. Either you're firewall of that of the companie.

Maybe I missed something in the thread, but did the OP ever say he set up port forwarding for port 22 to his internal computer?


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