Bigelow, Andrea L. wrote:
Where's the documentation? I'd like to see this for myself.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: What version of FBSD does Yahoo run?

Considering that its been well documented and admitted that 5.x is 1/3 the
speed of 4.x at this point,  do you really think they've migrated production

Most likely this is in reference to a few lines in /usr/src/UPDATING, stating that all of the debug features are turned on by default in 5.x < 5.3, making it much slower. This is less than true if those options are turned off.


Jonathan T. Sage
Theatrical Lighting / Set Designer
Professional Web Design

"He said he likes me, but he's not in-like with me."- Connie, King of the Hill

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