OK, first of all this thread is not worthwhile to people in this forum. 
I'm sorry for having initially added to the noise, but I do want to try 
to salvage something useful from this. If your request is sincere, then 
please hear me out.

On Friday 08 October 2004 07:39 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 10/8/04 2:25:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> > You guys are the ones making the claims that 5.3 is "going to be
> > so great".  I just wonder how you come to that conclusion if you
> > don't have any definitive tests. I dont have a release to test, so
> > when its done I'll test it.
> Why don't you download and install the latest 5.3 beta and test it?
> This is the only way to test 5.3, as there is no "release" yet. If
> you refuse to test it due to its beta status, then you should
> probably reconsider your challenges until 5.3 is stable and you can
> test it for yourself. If this is the case, then all you're doing now
> is making noise ... and, yes, trolling.
> -------------------------
> I haven't made any "challanges". My point was that there are a lot
> of people making claims they have no ability to substantiate. And
> obviously I am correct.

There is a major point here that you seem to miss. One of the beauties 
of open source is the fact that it's available for you to test, read 
the code, hack, patch, fold, spindle and mutilate. If you expect people 
to take your counterclaims seriously, then you need to do some testing 
of your own. If you have a point to make, then back it up with data. If 
you cannot do this, then don't expect people to take you seriously, 
especially in a forum which is meant to be for technical help.

The way you have approached this subject is not constructive. We have 
not learned anything from this exchange. However, we may have if you 
had meant for your comments to be constructive. I don't think you did. 
But if you want, I'd be more than happy to see your comparisons if 
you're willing to deal with this in a way which would benefit all 
parties concerned, by testing both systems, as thoroughly as you want. 
I'm quite interested in how the two systems size up. The more people 
that test it, the better.

> A guess a "troll" is anyone who questiong the powers that be. Must be
> a bunch of communists running the show here.

That's ridiculous and it's not necessary.

- jt
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