In a message dated 10/9/04 12:56:40 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
>"I just hope that pounding packets through a socket  and 
>timing mySQL selects aren't the entirety of OUR team's arsenal."

>And it's not just this sentence although this is one of the most
>blatent.  You are using verbage and terminology that clearly sets
>you in opposition to the rest of us, users and developers, of FreeBSD.
>If this isn't a challenge you don't know the meaning of the word.
Maybe you think its a "challenge" because the words have teeth?

Who is "the rest of us" in your estimation? Those under the thumb of
wind river, or those of us trying to run small business who would prefer
not to be bamboozled into using something "new" because you need
free testers for your code? I monitored this list for months,and I never
once heard any one of "you" tell anyone that 4.x was a better choice
if running your business with the most efficient current solution was 
your goal. You don't care about the "freeBSD community",  you care
about your own agenda, whoever "you" are. If you're not going to be
honest with the community, then there's going to be a separation of
"you" with the agenda and "us" with the need for honest answers to
our questions so that we can run our businesses effectively.

I love freeBSD. I have the skills to get my own answers as to the 
suitability of one OS or one version to another. Most people on this 
list don't. So don't steer them to 5.x when you know its not yet ready 
for prime time,  because people rely on you to give good, honest 
answers in order to earn a living. 
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