On Sunday 24 October 2004 01:39 pm, John Adams proclaimed:
> Hi, folks,
>  I ran a cvsup against my supfile, then a portupgrade -a,
> and now I'm hosed. For starts, ruby is complaining about
> an insecure version of OpenSSL, and will not install,
> leaving me without, well, portupgrade.
>  What have I done to myself, and how do I recover? Is
> this, by Hobson's choice, a good time to upgrade from
> 4.9? What should I provide to help tell what's going on
> with my box?
> All the best,
>  John A

This could be one of two things...

1.  In the past, you've installed a port that needed a 
newer/more-secure version of OpenSSL and installed the port 
version (or you've installed the port version of OpenSSL 
intentionally).  Either case you're running the port 

2.  You're still using an old, insecure system-version of 

If the first is true (ie, you're using the port version of 
OpenSSL), try portupgrade -aRr.  You _may_ get away with 
that, but I wouldn't recommend it.

If the second is true (more likely scenario), then you 
_have_ to update your src and rebuild your system in order 
to move on with your port upgrades.

My advice would be to update your source.  My last clean 
install was from a 4.9-REL CD and I keep the updates coming 
(now run 4.10-STABLE).  Every update went without any 
glitches (of course as disclaimers go, everyone has 
different situations).


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