On Sat, 28 Aug 2004 20:39:36 +0000, Thordur I. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think I will go for a hardware raid controler (RAID5 sounds good, but
> my budget doesn´t really allow me to buy 2x new disks ;).

Well, I would say... postpond your RAID for a few weeks and gather the
money to buy the disks. On a mission critical system, a RAID -5 is
really worth in both stability, performance and fault tolerance.

> Btw. What hardware raid controlers (sata) do you listmembers recommend ?

There are very few things which really dont work under FreeBSD. Just
some work out of the box and some needs a little attention like a
misbehaved kid. The fact is, the more bucks you throw in, the better
facilities u get.

> I have read some positive things about the 3ware 9xxx and 8xxx series (a
> thread on -stable)

Yeh, they work almost out of the box without any requirement for tweaking.

Subhro Sankha Kar
School of Information Technology
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