On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 12:45:44 +0000, Thordur I. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subhro wrote:
> >On Sat, 28 Aug 2004 20:39:36 +0000, Thordur I. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >>I think I will go for a hardware raid controler (RAID5 sounds good, but
> >>my budget doesn´t really allow me to buy 2x new disks ;).
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Well, I would say... postpond your RAID for a few weeks and gather the
> >money to buy the disks. On a mission critical system, a RAID -5 is
> >really worth in both stability, performance and fault tolerance.
> >
> >
> >
> >>Btw. What hardware raid controlers (sata) do you listmembers recommend ?
> >>
> >>
> >
> >There are very few things which really dont work under FreeBSD. Just
> >some work out of the box and some needs a little attention like a
> >misbehaved kid. The fact is, the more bucks you throw in, the better
> >facilities u get.
> >
> >
> >
> >>I have read some positive things about the 3ware 9xxx and 8xxx series (a
> >>thread on -stable)
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Yeh, they work almost out of the box without any requirement for tweaking.
> >
> >
> >
> Actually, my situation is not "mission-critcal", still in a way it is. I
> have decided to go for a RAID5 controler (3ware 9xxxx) and simple wait a
> few weeks until I have gatherd the funds :)
i have used the 3ware cards in various production environments and
have a comments.  They seem to work pretty well in a RAID5 config,
altho I would not suggest using them in a stripe.  The cache on the
controller is just too small.  You may see some negative impacts of
the small cache in a RAID5 config under heavy I/O loads but with RAID5
slower I/O performance is to be expected.  I believe the Adaptec IDE
cards have a larger cache on the board, altho I'm not %100 on this.

On the bright side the 3ware cards are pretty common and the "twe"
driver seems rock solid on 4.x.  I have not had a chance to play with
the 9xxxx cards so I do not know how stable the driver for that device

> When you say "almost" out of the box what do you mean ?
> I think I´m right when I say that there are drivers ready for the 3ware
> cards so I do not see why there are any proplems besides overstepping
> the learning curve.
In my experience if you have the driver enabled in your kernel (twe
for the older 3ware cards) then the disk devices should be recognized.
 You actually build/configure the RAID's on the cards firmware before
you load the OS, so there should not be *too* much to do w/in FreeBSD

> Anyway I think you and the other listmembers again for there input.

have fun!

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