
Not sure if this is an FreeBSD, X, or Fluxbox issue... but thought I'd
start on this list. Most likely just misconfiguration on my part.

When I have X/Fluxbox up and running, I can press Ctrl+Alt+<function-key>
and get to any other ttyv.  This is annoying to begin with but since
they prompt for pwds... not catastrophic.  However, F1 takes you to the
ttyv I'm logged in to and this gives you the opportunity to Ctrl-C my X
session... leaving you standing in my shell!

This works even if the session was locked with xscreensaver.

Have I done something wrong?
How can I prevent this.  It would be nice to be able to walk away from
my desk and not worry about people using my machine.

Thanks for your help,

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