On 03 Nov Rob wrote:
> Eric Schuele wrote:
> >However, F1 takes you to the ttyv I'm logged in to and this gives you
> >the opportunity to Ctrl-C my X session... leaving you standing in my
> >shell!
> How do you start your X session?
> It seems like you log in via one of the text terminals (ttyv0) and
> then start X with the 'startx' command.
> Why don't you use xdm with X login instead?
> (I suppose you understand this, otherwise you may need some more
> guidance on how to set up X).

Another thing you could do is make an alias like "startx=exec startx" or
something like that in you <shell>rc This way a user still could access
your screen w/ ctrl/alt/Fx, but stopping your Xsession will result in a
to begin with but since they prompt for pwds... not catastrophic.
logout ;-)

dick -- http://www.nagual.st/ -- PGP/GnuPG key: F86289CE
++ Running FreeBSD 4.10 ++ Debian GNU/Linux (Woody)
+ Nai tiruvantel ar vayuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu vilya
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