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On Saturday 06 November 2004 18:28, Lloyd Hayes wrote:
> I figured that starting over with FBSD 5.2.1 was a good idea, installing
> less software this time. However, on impulse, I installed v5.3 No new
> problems until I got to Xorg.
> I have the new docs downloaded from FreeBSD. "The FreeBSD Handbook" from
> The FreeBSD Documentation Project,  and "Frequently Asked Questions"
> from the same place. They give some information about Xorg.
> Typing 'startx" gets me to a graphical screen similar to the setup
> screen used in xorg -config. My only option was to hit
> Ctrl-Alt-Back_Space to get out of it.
> I then tried to use xdm -config.
> I get to the point where it asks for name and password. This is
> mentioned in the handbook. There is no security level set, so the system
> is at it's default level. I'm logged in as root, so I type "root" and my
> root password. It loops back to the same menu each time that I do this.
> Any other input here just produces a wrong name. It won't accept a blank
> input either.

Possibly you haven't entered an entry for your windowmanager in your .xinitrc 
or .xsession file. startx uses .xinitrc, xdm uses .xsession. 
'man xdm' explains which files are used by xdm and where they are located.
Look for errors listed in ~/.xsession-errors, if you use xdm. 

> (At this point, I was looking for the author, a rope, and a tall tree.
> My 2nd option was to send this email....)
> Is there a secret code to getting into Xorg and setting it up for Gnome?

An easy way to setup gnome (and other wm) is gdm:
# cp -p /usr/X11R6/etc/rc.d/gdm.sh.sample /usr/X11R6/etc/rc.d/gdm.sh
# /usr/X11R6/etc/rc.d/gdm.sh start

After next reboot gdm will be started automatically. Gdm is part of the gnome 


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