hello family,

I have some drives that I've brought home for repair.

I have a Promise IDE controller installed with dual ports and two
36" IDE ribbons attached to the Promise controller and snaking out
an open CDROM slot, along with a powersupply leads.

My FreeBSD box boots fine, the Promise card shows up and my first
drive came up as /dev/ad5.

I used "sysinstall" to delete the old partitions and now need to
simple create one big "FAT32" partition/drive and see if things
work when this drive is placed back into a machine at work.

I saw no options for FAT32 in the "sysinstall" menus of fdisk and
was wondering if I can whip this drive into shape via command
line.  Thanks.

Bill Schoolcraft
PO Box 210076
San Francisco,CA 94121

"We can find no wealth above a healthy body and a happy heart."

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