Garance A Drosihn wrote:

At 9:33 AM +0100 11/22/04, Stephan Fiebrandt wrote:

If you just need to expand your Mainboard with a SATA Controller, all you need is a poor card with a Silicon chip on it (Sil 3112 etc). I've seen cards starting at 10$. Almost all low-cost cards have this chip series, meanwhile on 5.3 it should work now without any problems. The WRITE_DMA issues should be solved and commited to 5.3.

Unless something happened in the past week or so, you can still have
WRITE_DMA problems with the SiL 3112 if you connect a "fake SATA"
drive to it, such as some of the Western Digital drives.  These are
really ATA drives with a little conversion-chip on them to implement
SATA.  These drives seem to work okay on more expensive SATA
controllers, but I had a *lot* of headaches with one connected to a
SiL-3112 controller.  I suspect that the same people who are willing
to live with a $10 disk controller are also going to be tempted to
buy the less-expensive "fake-SATA" hard drives...

Have also a look at the 5.3 hardware list:

I've had in my test a Sil Image running on RELENG_5 cvs from last week with a Maxtor 160 SATA (sorry, don't have the model no handy atm) and it worked fine without any WRITE_DMA issues, cuz i was curious after a longer thread in freebsd-current mailinglist about WRITE_DMA problems. I also have to point out, that 5.3-R and RELENG_5 cvs are different :) maybe something got commit into it last week, to be honest, i did not follow up the changes (shame, yes i know..). Maybe my SATA disk is just not a "fake-SATA".
I agree that these "fake-SATA" and cheap Sil 3112 controller might not work proper together. But this looks like an hardware incompatibility issues than a driver malfunction.
At my main mashine, i have an onboard Intel 6300ESB Controller, and had no WRITE_DMA's with any SATA disks yet.


Stephan Fiebrandt
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