Someone broke the silence: 

> Haulmark, Chris wrote:
>> We show our potential clients to our production server
> rooms whenever they request for it.  They always ask what
> those (freebsd) servers are running because there are no logo
> stickers.  I ended up sticking a white label with black arial
> font "FreeBSD."  Is this what FreeBSD systems deserve?
> I am surprised about your lack of creativity, check this:

It isn't the graphic creativity problem that I have.  It is the publishing 
problem I have. :(

Yea, I know about kinko..etc.  I prefer ordering them in a batch.

> Choose whichever you like, print it out on a color printer and go
> sticking. 
> Cheers, Erik
> PS: please wrap your lines.

My QuoteFix shows that it should wrap at 72 characters.  Has it not?

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