On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 19:36:34 -0800 (PST)
Minnesota Slinky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello list.
> I am in the process of doing a major upgrade to my
> home server.  I purchased an Asus A7V600-X
> motherboard, an AMD Athlon XP 3200+ processor, and
> installed 1GB of DDR 400 memory.  If it matters, I've
> got two 120 GB Maxtor HDDs in a RAID 1 array.  The
> problem I'm having is that the system reboots half-way
> through a make buildworld.  I'm guessing this has to
> do with heat, but I'm not sure.
> Does anyone have any insight?  I've tried telling the
> BIOS to ignore the proc/mobo temp.  Not sure yet if
> that's working.

For checking temp just ssh in and use mbmon while it is going...

I would suspect ram problems. Heat problems from my experience
generally cause some errors before failing and freezing. Never seen a
heat problem result in a reboot yet.

The way to check for this is to swap the ram out, after checking heat
using ssh, mbmon, and a `cd /usr/src/& make buildworld/& cd
/usr/ports/math/atlas& make&`. This command series you will also use
each time as it provides a very good method for taking a system down
since I've seen problems where just one of those would not take it
down before.

If you still get it, continue swap out the power supply next.
Possiblility of not liking extra stress from active hard drive. Had
this a bit on one old P2 gateway at one time.

If it is still there do the same with proc. By now we should be able
to safely rule out heat, provided that the sensor is functioning

If it still goes down, it is the mother board getting flaky under
heavy load. This can happen. I had a Abit NF7-S2 that happened with
lately. Swapped it out and it went away.
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