I see. So if I've got a synced jail and host then top will work? I
thought top never worked inside jail for some memoryissue or something
like that?

I think I should go and rebuild my jails too. It's just a bit of work
with three jails, thank god that I've got a fast box :)

Still the issue with config-files but I think I'll back them up and
just restore them.

On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 17:08:31 -0600, Frank Knobbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 21, 2004 at 12:04:54AM +0100, Daniel Johansson wrote:
> > Okay, I see. I've not done this with my jails so I think it's time to do it
> >
> > But until now everything has worked anyway, upgraded from 4.9 to 4.10-p5.
> >
> > How important is it to rebuild the jails too?
> I don't think it has to do with "importance". Rather it has to do with
> "correctness". Jails use the running kernel. You have to rebuild kernel and
> world together to prevent them from getting out-of-sync (easy to test with
> "top"). Hence, you also have to rebuild your jail-world when you rebuild your
> kernel.
> Hope that clarifies it.
> Regards,
> Frank
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