
> > Hi,
> >
> > I hope this mailing list can help. I just installed freebsd 5.3-Release
> > a new hard drive and I can't seem to get it online with my dhcp cable
> > thru a linksys hub. Later it will be moving to a static ip, so any help
> > that transition now would be helpful too, but for now I have the machine
> > home and need to install software on it.
> >
> > If I give a
> > >ifconfig
> > fxp0: flags =8802 <bradcast, simplex, multicast> mtu 1500
> > options =8<VLAN_MTU>
> > ether 00:a0:c9:e6:11:b1
> > media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>)
> > status:active
> > there's    plip0 and lo0 as well...
> >
> > >ping
> > ping: cannot resolve Host name lookup failure.

> Hostname lookup failure sounds like a dns problem to me.
> Is there anything in /etc/resolv.conf ?

No, there is not even a /etc/resolve.conf. What should go in there?
>How is fxp0 assigned an  IP?  DHCP?
I think so. That's the way it should be.

> If so, do you have a line like the following in /etc/rc.conf:
> ifconfig_fxp0="DHCP"

That line was not in there. I added it and rebooted. The boot process now
started the dhcp client, but still no actual ip address is reported in the
> How did you setup the Linksys?  Default (out-of-the-box) settings?

plugged it in, plugged cable modem into uplink, plugged this pc into one
outlet, the freebsd box into another. PC works fine. Lights indicate
connectivity to bsd box.

> Is the DHCP server turned on at the router?  What does the status
> page of the router settings show?

That's supposed to be, isn't it? I can't access that even
from my pc. Any advice there would be helpful. BTW, I'm using Cox as a ISP.

> The FreeBSD Handbook is a great reference:

Yes... there's more information there than I saw on first perusal. Thanks,
but I'm not out of the woods yet.


> --
> Joshua Lokken
> Open Source Advocate

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