Michael C. Shultz wrote:

On Thursday 23 December 2004 10:44 pm, Nikolas Britton wrote:

Michael C. Shultz wrote:

I hate to see FreeBSD to something like my once favorite news site
(www.antiwar.com) did.  Early on they had a website that wasn't at
all artistic, but they always had links to great news stories and
updated those several time a day.

A while back they re-did the site into a politically correct artsie
fashion  as you are suggestion FreeBSD do. Ever since that so called
upgrade many of there links remain for days at a time and none are
updated more than once a day, my guess is the site with all of its
wonderful graphics is a real pain in the butt to update now.  I
seldom visit the site because it is no longer usefull.

So for me it seems it is not the artwork that brings me to a site,
rather it is the quality of content and FreeBSD's content quality is
good right now, I hope no one messes it up.

I agree with you there, content if the be-all end-all on the web. And
I'm not suggesting we turn the freebsd site into an arty website with
spiffy graphics and flash crap all over the place, in fact I want the
opposite. I advocate minimalism with a clean cohesive style that
doesn't get in the way of content yet conveys a "professional" image
of who we are to outsiders and prospective users.

As long as the artwork does not get in the way of content, and you don't mess with "beastie" I say have at it if it means so much to you. That is sort of what FreeBSD is all about, you got an idea you know will make it better and you perserver with it long enough eventually one of the *powers that be* might incorporate it. Takes patience but if you really love the OS and never give up maybe you'll be the web site designer someday.


Who me?, no, I just use wiki's for my sites and edit the templates, I'm to lazy to do it any other way as It's a pain in the ass to keep an html site updated. all I have to do is login to my websites and start type'n, use it to store most of my public notes and stuff like that because it's easier then opening up a text editor. With wiki's you have built in revision control, rich text formating and easy to remember text formating rules, the ability to search in documents and for the documents you've missed placed, hyperlinking documents to documents, and can backup the database to your computer with the single click of the mouse button. If you've never tried one you should

I was just trying to help freebsd buy a new suit so he can hang with the big boys, I don't even know how or why this thread got started.... but... Anyone who messes with beastie is a dead man! if you don't like him you know where the door is at, don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out.
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