
I am using Asus A7N8X Rev 1.06 motherboard on FreeBSD 5.3 release.  I
want to use my USB hard drive.  It would be the first USB device I use.
What is the procedure?

Here is what seems to be a related dmesg output:

usb0: OHCI version 1.0, legacy support
usb0: <OHCI (generic) USB controller> on ohci0
usb0: USB revision 1.0

usb1: OHCI version 1.0, legacy support
usb1: <OHCI (generic) USB controller> on ohci1
usb1: USB revision 1.0

umass0: Western Digital USB Hard Drive, rev 2.00/11.05, addr 3
da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0: <WDC WD12 00BB-00DAA3 75.1> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-0 device
da0: 1.000MB/s transfers
da0: 114473MB (234441648 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 14593C)

I think the drive is probably NTFS formatted.  If it is not NTFS it is

I don't remember the drive specs, but it can do better than USB 1.0.

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