On Jan 3, 2005, at 6:28 PM, Eric F Crist wrote:

A couple more questions, then I'm done. Promise.

I need to verify whether or not there is an entry for grog_firewall_oif
and grog_firewall_iif in /etc/rc.conf.  If not, I want to exit with an

You want to check for either "grog_firewall_oif" or "grog_firewall_iif" in /etc/rc.conf

egrep -v "^#" /etc/rc.conf |\
egrep -q "grog_firewall_oif | grog_firewall_iif" || (echo "$0" ; exit 1)

The first line says "skips the comment lines" (the ones that begin with #)

Also, a little more advanced, I need to pull information from an
ifconfig output.  I need to pull network numbers for both the internal
interface, as well as external interface.  For example,

         inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
         inet6 fe80::20e:a6ff:feb9:2d3d%vr0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x3
         ether 00:0e:a6:b9:2d:3d
         media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>)
         status: active

I don't actually need my own address, I need to be able to figure out
that the system, based on the above output, is on the
network.  This will be input into my firewall rulesets.

I imagine that there's a util or command around that can do this, or I
can code out the math, but there's got to be an easier way.

How much can you assume? Will you know the interface? If so it's fairly easy

ifconfig vr0  |\
        tr '\012' ' ' |\
         sed 's#.*inet ##; s# netmask.*##'

roughly translated:
line 1: give me the information for vr0 only
line 2: replace the end of line (\012) and replace them with a space
line 3: delete everything from the beginning of the line up to "inet " and then delete everything from " netmask" to the end of the line

Put it into a variable

MY_IP=`ifconfig vr0  |\
        tr '\012' ' ' |\
         sed 's#.*inet ##; s# netmask.*##'`


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