I have spent at least two weeks of my free time downloading 5.3 and trying to 
get it to work.  After figuring out 
how to get an ISO image, windows couldn't do it because netscape insisted on 
modifying the file, I loaded it and 
got a lot of error code 1 messages that I never did figure out.  I changed the 
partitioning and allowed 1/2 a gig 
for the root directory and loaded it again. 
All seemed to go well untill I tryed to configure the X.org windowing system.  
Nothing in /stand/sysinstall would 
do any configuration of X.  Went to the net and got instructions.  Finally got 
X to work and found vidtune. 
Kdm comes up with a log in screen which just leads to another log in screen.  
ctrl-alt-backspace won't turn x off 
as it keeps comming back on it's own.  Nothing leads to a window manager other 
than the little one that comes with 
I re-downloaded the window managers from the net and hoped that would fix it. 
It didn't.  I'm sure that the trouble 
is in some little config file somewhere or another  but I just don't have the 
time as I need a running system 
My opinion is that x.org isn't integrated quite well enough yet for prime time. 
My BSD books don't have the new 
commands and other information to be of any use and the Man pages that 
downloaded were of no help either. 
So for now I'm going to try to load Slackware and hope that maybe in a year BSD 
will be easier to wade through.  I 
have to admit a bit of sorrow in having to do this as I wanted them both on the 
same machine. 
At the same time I wish to communicate my respect and admiration for the great 
job the BSD community is doing and 
hope in no way to communicate any disregaurd for everyones efforts. 
Right now I have to have Windows up and running also and am watching it go into 
a self destruct mode from somthing 
that it downloaded from the net all by it's self with no human operator 
touching it.  There are so many Popups I 
had to pull the net cable just to stop it.  They don't get no respect. 
It is my hope that the various Windows emulators will/are working well enough 
to run some of my mission critical 
programs.  Espesially 'Trade Station' .  I can't imagine having thousands of 
dollars riding on Microsoft 
Thank You--------Bill Gatlin   
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