Robert Watson writes:

RW> The problems I have on the Windows XP platform appear to come from a
RW> lack of robustness in the face of nasty application failure.

A problem with the Windows environment as a whole is that applications
tend to assume that they have the entire machine to themselves, and
behave without any consideration for other programs that may be running
on the same machine.  In addition, Windows programmers (at least those
with no experience outside of a PC environment) tend to vastly overused
system calls and privileges that can destabilize the entire machine;
many relatively mundane applications won't even install unless they can
have privileges that they shouldn't really need.

The net result is a far less stable platform than might otherwise be
possible.  It's all a consequence of the old MS-DOS paradigm, in which
there is only one user and one program at a time, and any program can
(and sometimes must) talk directly to the hardware and occasionally even
override the OS.

The NT family of operating systems corrected this in large part by
introducing tight security concepts.  But most Windows applications
ignore or override these security features, making them moot.  And
Microsoft has aggravated the problem by removing or disabling features
in NT versions such as Windows XP in order to increase compatibility and
user-friendliness.  Even NT 4.0 sacrificed security and stability just
so that it could have a clone of the "modern" Windows 95 GUI.

All of this is in contrast to UNIX, which, like so many other multiuser
timesharing systems, has been obligated from the start to pay close
attention to keeping users and programs separate.  Ordinary UNIX user
programs are aware of the fact that they are not alone and are written
with security restrictions and the need for coexistence already in mind.
In consequence, it's rare for a UNIX user program to do anything that
destabilizes an entire system.

Another way of looking at it is that, under Windows, practically every
user program is the equivalent of a privileged daemon, potentially
running roughshod over system stability.

Having to support a GUI also destabilizes just about any system, and of
course Windows depends on GUIs, although UNIX does not.

RW> At work we use Windows with the usual combination of Microsoft
RW> office and e-mail products, as well as tools like Acrobat. It seems
RW> things go horribly wrong in the interactions between the components
RW> (especially Acrobat integration into IE), and this leaves the system
RW> in a poor state (often wedged). Lower level OS bits keep responding
RW> to pings, but a hard boot is required to get anywhere useful.

You're in a state where technically the system is up and running, and
the OS is healthy, but the interaction and conflict between all the
application programs you wish to run is so complex that any kind of
error in one of them effectively stalls or kills them all.  The only
easy cure is a reboot.

This is one argument against using application suites, as they are more
likely to try to take over the machine and cause conflicts in
consequence than are isolated, standalone applications.  So Office or
Lotus Notes is a lot more hazardous to run than some individual,
free-standing application programs that make no assumptions about what
else is on the machine.

For this reason I'm very wary of installing anything from Microsoft
these days, and only slightly less wary of companies like Adobe.  They
increasingly try to convert the entire PC to their own chosen
environment during installation.

RW> NT4 appeared a lot less robust with relatively frequent kernel
RW> crashes, whereas with XP my impression has been that the kernel
RW> itself is quite robust but the user shell and interface components
RW> are so tightly integrated with application behavior that application
RW> failure leaves them dead in the water.

I didn't find NT to lack robustness, but I agree that XP and indeed all
newer versions of Windows have confused the border between OS and
applications so thoroughly that the net result is an overall
destabilization of the machine.

The extreme lack of transparency in Windows is a problem, too.  You
never really know what's going on behind the scenes.  This is far less
of a problem with legacy operating systems like UNIX that were designed
to be fiddled with directly by administrators.

RW> This is not disimilar to related failure modes on Mac OS X and using
RW> X11/KDE on BSD, and suggests maybe part of the problem is in the
RW> architecture of how we layer "system" applications over windowing
RW> mechanisms.

I completely agree.  It's a general problem with any architecture of
this kind (just installing a GUI is already a big step down the path of
danger), but it's most obvious in the environments that depend most
heavily on GUIs, such as Windows and the Mac.  Of course, if you run a
GUI on UNIX, you'll see similar problems there as well.

To me it's too high a price to pay just for a pretty interface on a
server.  On a desktop the advantages of the GUI outweigh the reduction
in stability, if the system is well implemented.


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