I'll give that a shot. Thanks

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 22:19:21 +0100, Oliver Leitner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ok, now open some tail -f 's and stay logged in monitoring them continuously,
> also let a packet capture program like tcpdum run, from that box, and from
> some other box on your network as well, to see if anything unusual comes
> through...
> also check if that reboot happens again, and if so, if it happens at exactly
> the same time again...
> And then set all daemons, that didnt startup with the machine to debug mode
> logging, also look if they have existing startup files (...sh in rc.d, maybe
> enabled through rc.conf...)
> just general error searching routines...
> Greetings
> Oliver Leitner
> Technical Staff
> http://www.shells.at
> On Monday 24 January 2005 22:14, gabriel wrote:
> > Yeah I'm the only root there, the only user with wheel access isnt
> > even used often for that same reason. I checked the logs and oddly
> > enough, it was all just like "reboot", nothing interesting or
> > anything, I checked all the ssh logs and everything looks okay. The
> > weird thing is the deamons not starting, thats just odd. As a matter
> > of fact, the first thing I checked was df -h to see if may be /var or
> > / was full, but no, everything was good. Again.. weird.
> >
> > On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 22:04:57 +0100, Oliver Leitner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > wrote:
> > > sounds like either powersurgery or you hit the wrong button to me...
> > > also, are you the only one with root or power access to it?
> > >
> > > maybe some coworker stepped over the cable, or some other one thought he
> > > could work with a bsd, and just did the shutdown -r now...
> > >
> > > in case you might wanna check all the logs, also the ones including
> > > informations on who connected to that box.
> > >
> > > Also, its only a thought, but how much space is left on that system, do a
> > > df -h and have a closer look...
> > >
> > > Greetings
> > > Oliver Leitner
> > > Technical Staff
> > > http://www.shells.at
> > >
> > > On Monday 24 January 2005 22:02, gabriel wrote:
> > > > Has it ever happened to anyone here where your computer (in this case,
> > > > my gateway running ipfw+natd) just restarts out of nowhere. It isnt
> > > > even a crash, it just restarted. Then when the computer came back up
> > > > nothing was running, dhcpd, natd, cupsd everything was just not
> > > > running. Weird.
> > >
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