i dont see the /usr in your calculations...

asside of that...

it really depends on what youre going to do with the system, or which data 
its going to be holding...

this is absolutely subjective, cant tell you as long as i dont get any 
further data on the probably size of your data, and where theyll be stored...

Oliver Leitner
Technical Staff

On Tuesday 25 January 2005 01:43, Peterhin wrote:
> I asked the question the other day,  whether to do a standard install or
> a custom install. This was brought about because I read several
> sources, including  G. Lehey's "The Complete FreeBSD"
> I will be doing a Custom install. My question however, is looking at
> page 70, in "The Complete FreeBSD" and I quote "Use the rest of the
> space on disk for a /home file system. as long as it's possible to back
> it up on a single tape. Otherwise make multiple file systems."
> My question is do I make multiple /home directories.? I have a SATA 80GB
> hard drive, so as Greg L. suggests  4GB to 6GB for the root file
> system.
> 1GB to 2GB for the Swap file. The rest of the disk for the /home file.
> That would leave me with a  /home  of approx. 72GB. I would appreciate
> any thoughts as to how I should  do this. The computer will be used as
> a stand alone workstation, with internet and email access for now. I do
> have a large number of JPEG files in my existing /home directory.
> (Linux)

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