On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 09:32:31AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > # Allow out access to my ISP's DHCP server for cable or DSL
> > networks.
> > # This rule is not needed for 'user ppp' type connection to the
> > # public Internet, so you can delete this whole group.
> > # Use the following rule and check log for IP address.
> > # Then put IP address in commented out rule & delete first rule
> > pass out log quick on dc0 proto udp from any to any port = 67 keep 
> > state
> > #pass out quick on dc0 proto udp from any to z.z.z.z port = 67 keep 
> > state
> Please help.  How do I find the IP address referenced in the fourth #?  

That will be the IP address of your ISP's DHCP server.  They may well
have givenyou some documentation, or put that information on a
website, or failing that, you could just call their help line and ask.

> Where is the log file that is referenced in the fourth #?  If I need to use 
> find, whereis, locate, or some other command line search tool to find 
> the log file, please write out the details for me, because I am really 
> struggling with command line syntax at this point.  I have clearly 
> suffered from too much exposure to the point and click world.

The log file you need is /var/log/auth.log -- that's where anything
security related generally gets logged.  Almost everything in the base
systeem and many of the ports which write data into logfiles will keep
those logfiles under /var/log.  Makes them much easier to find...



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       8 Dane Court Manor
                                                      School Rd
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey         Tilmanstone
Tel: +44 1304 617253                                  Kent, CT14 0JL UK

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