> OK - I've finally come to the realization (a little slow, I know)
> that a 5.8Gb disk drive is just not enough to support a desktop
> environment (including JAVA) for both Windows XP and FreeBSD on my
> laptop. :(
> I have used dump(8) to dump out my filesystems.  I am wondering
> if I can just use "dd" to dump out all of /dev/ad0s1 also,
> and then use "dd" to put it back again when I'm done.  Then
> I'd boot the installation CD into "fixit" mode, build a new
> MBR, make sure that the new s1 was the same or very slightly larger
> than the old s1, and use dd to put it back again.  Can anyone
> speak to either the "doomed to failure" or "I've done this and
> it works" scenarios?

I presume that /dev/ad0s1 is your MS-DOS slice?
I have never done this, but you might try using dump(8)
and restore(8) to move it as well as the others.  I would
trying dumping it somewhere and then restoring it somewhere
harmless just to check first.   If you keep the old disk and
do nothing to harm it, then you could try this to the new
disk and if it works (eg Messy Dos works), fine.  If it doesn't
work then you still have the original on the old disk to go 
back to and try something else.

As you mention, make the slices and partitions on the new disk
and put in the MBR.    Then do the restores.   You might need to
do something to put in a MSDOS boot partition on the new S1 as well.


> Thanks.
> BTW, just out of curiosity, does anyone know off the top of their
> heads where dump(8) puts the snapshot name when used with the L
> option? I assumed it would be in the .snap directory, but when I
> did an "ls -la" of /home/.snap while it was running, there was
> nothing there.  I suppose it could remove the snap after it builds
> the map of what diskblocks to back up, but that could still lead
> to "fuzzy" backups.
> --
> John Lind
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