On 02/10/05 08:03 AM, Eric Kjeldergaard sat at the `puter and typed:
> Anthony Atkielski writes:
> > Ted Mittelstaedt writes:
> > 
> > > And, I am also concerned about the historical revisionists who
> > > are claiming FreeBSD never had a logo.  That is hogwash.
> > 
> > Where can I see the logo?
> > 
> > > Nobody ever said that FreeBSD lacked a logo until after a few days ago
> > > when this ill-conceived competition was leaked - because everyone knew
> > > the logo was Beastie.
> > 
> > That's not a logo.  Just about every image I've seen of Beastie has been
> > different, so it's not a logo, it's a character associated with the
> > brand (like Mickey Mouse).  Logos are simple and instantly recognizable;
> > they do not mutate from one presentation to the next.  Most open-source
> > projects don't have logos; even Linux lacks a proper logo (one could
> > probably be made from the popular penguin character, but I haven't seen
> > any examples).
> > 
> Okay, I figured I just as well join in...seems like a good idea.  I'm
> choosing this email to respond to: randomly selected from a relatively
> large number of messages expressing this same idea.
> The logo can be seen on the website www.freeBSD.org.  it is in fact a
> relatively (from a printing perspective) high-resolution image of our
> daemon, holding a pitchfork on his left side.  He is slightly facing
> forward, though looks off somewhat to the right.  I know, "He's a
> mascot, not a daemon"...but that's not entirely true (not true at
> all?).  dictionary.com says that a logo is a
>   A name, symbol, or trademark designed for easy and definite
> recognition, especially one borne on a single printing plate or piece
> of type.
> or a 
>   n : a company emblem or device
> These are definitely vague enough to not disqualify an image of our
> daemon on technical merit.  Further, FreeBSD proper calls the daemon
> image our logo (see logo_saver.ko).  Before I read another of these
> stating that beastie is not a logo, I thought I should voice the fact
> (not my opinion, mind you) that we do indeed have a logo, albeit one
> that could use some modification to ease reproduction.  (The latter
> part being opinion)

There are a couple other images labeled as logos on the FreeBSD site:


Plus the fact that anyone who is even remotely familiar with FreeBSDs
existence would immediately associate Beastie with FreeBSD.  Yeah,
maybe that is considered a mascot, but nothing I've seen supports the
idea that the mascot can't be part of the logo.

Louis LeBlanc                          FreeBSD-at-keyslapper-DOT-net
Fully Funded Hobbyist,                   KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
Please send off-list email to:         leblanc at keyslapper d.t net
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