Louis LeBlanc writes:

> They why would they care *what* the logo is?

They wouldn't; but the logo has an effect on the people who write the
checks, and it serves a useful purpose as a unifying identifier.

The people who write the checks don't care about "skins," though, since
they'll never actually use the OS.

> Those of us that use FreeBSD every day on our desktops for 99.999% of
> everything we do on a computer of any kind would be more likely to
> have an opinion.

Some of us are so busy using FreeBSD for productive work that we don't
have time to play with "skins."  In the server configurations for which
FreeBSD is best suited, it really doesn't need any kind of GUI at all,
and is more efficient without one.

> Which should also be obvious by the length of this and at least one
> other thread on the subject here on questions alone.  I haven't even
> checked on advocacy.

Most of the people here are behaving like teenage boys.  Which means
they are _not_ behaving anything like IT professionals or business
decision makers.

> Regardless, I never had a problem with Beastie.  I like him.  He is
> the only mascot/logo/whatever associated with an OS (other than the
> window) that is actually relevant.

It's cute, but it has never had any effect on my attitude towards
FreeBSD.  The only thing that influences me is the software (and, to a
lesser extent, the attitudes of the people who produce it).


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