Anthony Atkielski wrote:

Does that include X and KDE? I'm getting wild SCSI errors on FreeBSD
trying to install stuff, and I don't really know what that means, but it
doesn't appear to be corrupting anything, and it seems to be installing

Well, I don't use KDE because I don't particularly like heavyweight software unless I need it, although it has been several years since I looked at either that or Gnome, and I have seriously considered several times recently installing both of them to see what they've been up to. As for X, it should be quite painless with the possible exception of getting the config (XF86Config) right - the first time I did it, it caused me much swearing and gnashing of teeth, but here recently it's gotten so painless that I don't really remember it very well. That could be because it's gotten much easier, or because I've gotten used to it, the truth probly landing somewhere in the middle.
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