>>>>> On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 21:26:28 +0100, 
>>>>> Anthony Atkielski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

 > ....
 > I got the impression that KDE was the one that everyone used.

 > Which window manager most closely approximates the GUI of traditional
 > UNIX workstations?

That would be twm.  It is (I believe) the original X11 window
manager, which is why it's still often used as the fail safe window
manager.  twm is an acronym for "Tom's Window Manager", so named
because the name of the principal author is Tom.

 > Is it possible to install multiple X servers on the same machine so that
 > one can fire up whichever one strikes one's fancy at a given time?

Do you mean multiple X servers or multiple window managers?  You were
talking about window managers above.  Not sure why you would want
multiple X servers (unless you had two heads on the machine), but as
to window managers, it's easy.  You can even go to a tty, kill your
running window manager and start a new one, with X running.  All your
X clients should still be there.

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