On Wed, Feb 23, 2005 at 11:19:26PM +0100, Roland Smith wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 23, 2005 at 02:40:10PM -0700, David Bear wrote:
> > I'm using awk to parse a directory listing. I was hoping there is a
> > way to tell awk to print from $2 - to the end of the columns
> > available. 
> > 
> > find ./ -name '*stuff' | awk '{FS="/" print $3---'}
> Is this what you mean?:
> find ./ -name '*stuff'|sed 's|\.[^/]*/[^/]*/||g'

thanks for the advice. No, this doesn't do what I want.

If I have a directory path /stuff/stuff/more/stuff/more/and/more
that is n-levels deep, I want to be able to cut off the first two
levels and print the from 2 to the Nth level.

> Roland
> -- 
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David Bear
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