> --- Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Hmm, I wonder if the lack of performance, or the
>> unwanted
>> > emails were more heavily weighted in the
>> decision?
>> >
>> > If there was any intelligent life on the list you
>> could
>> > counter what you call "Trolls" with solid technical
>> > arguments. This reminds me of the old bsdi
>> > list. A bunch of half-wits who are just happy
>> > to belong to something and have other half-wits
>> > to correspond with.
>> >
>> > FreeBSD used to have open discussions between
>> > users and developers and it used to be real
>> > good. Now it sucks and the developers are
>> > detached, off in their own little world. See
>> > a pattern?
>> >
>> > But with a user base from places like gnu-rox.org
>> > and makeworld.com, what do you expect I
>> > guess?
>> >
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Xavier Maillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > To: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
>> > Sent: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 12:43:35 +0100
>> > Subject: Re: A Riddle
>> >
>> > On 25 Mar 2005, Chris wrote:
>> >
>> >> If we're to prove a point to those that name
>> call, are rude,
>> >> troll, and all the other recent events, we must
>> do so on our
>> >> level. Allow them to spew what ever it is they
>> spew, and we
>> >> must simply either ignore it (the correct way
>> imho) Kill em
>> >> with kindness, OR, reply in such a fashion that
>> the user has no
>> >> idea what we're saying.
>> >>
>> >> Let's stop the erosion of this list now before it
>> goes too far.
>> >>
>> >> Over and out...
>> >
>> >
>> > I totally agree. This plus other things are the
>> reasons why I
>> > chose to switch to another OS.
>> Users that Insult people that offer help (good or
>> bad) says much about
>> that user.
>> The tactic at hand (at least with the user that top
>> posts) is to do
>> nothing more then what it is hoping to do - incite
>> anger *Sigh*
>> Oh well - most of us are certainly above that.
> I don't agree. The spread of disinformation is
> like allowing a cancer to go untreated. There
> are a lot of people recommending a very poorly
> implemented OS because of the propaganda
> disseminated here. People's jobs and businesses
> are at stake. People waste a tremendous amount
> of time (me included) based on the ridiculously
> inaccurate comments made by people on this
> list.
> And like with alchoholism, the first step is
> admitting that you have a problem. If you're
> going to keep RA-RAing this "effort", then
> you are part of the problem. You can make
> a person "Angry" by calling him a loser. But
> if the shoe fits, it may very well need to
> be said to get him off his butt.
> As an aside, all of the major web mail providers
> default to "top posting". Google (ever hear
> of them?) only shows the top N lines of a post.
> So if you bottom post, you don't see the message
> you want to see
> without having to make an effort. So when are
> you troglodytes going to climb out of your
> 1994 hibernations and get with the times?
> You may prefer one over the other, but its
> hardly a capital offense to do otherwise. Most
> of us have evolved out of our unix newsreaders.
> Anyone with a brain is using web mail for
> mailing lists these days: no more whining
> about spam or "wasted bandwidth".

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