I'm happy to move these (my ports) to puppet@ however I would rather not see a 
git repo put in the way.  


> On Jul 18, 2017, at 9:19 AM, Romain Tartière <rom...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 01:09:41PM +0000, Jason Slagle wrote:
>> I have no issue giving up my maintainership if someone with commit wants
>> it, but would also be interested in helping if a puppet@ was formed - I
>> took maintainership to try to get some traction but pretty quickly hit some
>> upstream roadblocks that weren't easily solved in a way that the ports tree
>> would allow.
> Cool. I also contacted portmgr@ regarding setting-up a 'puppet-ports'
> repository on GitHub for the puppet@ team.  The idea would of course
> that you would be part of that team and have access to this repository,
> even if you cannot commit into the FreeBSD ports tree.
>> I can follow up with some Puppet folk - some of my upstream things are
>> merged - others are still open.  Some were blockers for cfacter on FreeBSD.
> Had you an opportunity to check the updated facter in my proposal?  I am
> running this on my boxes as a replacement of rubygem-facter and it seems
> to be fine.
>> I plan to hack on FreeBSD Puppet stuff all day at the contributor summit at
>> Puppetconf this year if there are others.
> Unfortunately, I can't attend such events because of the costs (quite
> expensive and I would have to pay for it personally, no $PAYJOB
> sponsoring possible) :-(
> Please note that I am based in France, and EuroBSDCon this year is in
> Paris, so I guess attending it would be acceptable for me.  If we are a
> bunch of Puppet users there, maybe we can organize something!
> Regards,
> Romain
> -- 
> Romain Tartière <rom...@freebsd.org>  http://people.FreeBSD.org/~romain/
> pgp: 8234 9A78 E7C0 B807 0B59  80FF BA4D 1D95 5112 336F (ID: 0x5112336F)
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