On 4/10/14, David Noel <david.i.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm not convinced that a rototil of the protocol and all the associated
>> storage duplication is worth the effort.
> As far as portsnap is concerned I'm not convinced that ANY amount of
> effort is worth it. That is why I was hoping to start a conversation
> on the possibility of phasing it out.
>> It's better in my mind to commit one of the patches to sandbox gzip
>> with Capsicum...
> Portsnap also passes un-verified files to tar, so that would need to
> be patched too.
>> ...which will protect from everything except filling the
>> disk by denying gunzip the ability to do anything but write to the file
>> opened by the script. That will protect all gzip users.
> I agree that what you're proposing is probably the simplest solution,
> but I'm not convinced that it would guarantee system security. Nothing
> against Robert Watson, but sandboxes are always being broken out of.
> There's a history of vulnerabilities in the jail subsystem, isn't it
> likely that someone some day will find a bug in Capsicum? As unlikely
> as it seems that someone would be able to pull off a MITM attack,
> posses a tar or gzip 0day, and also posses a Capsicum 0day, there is
> -- like Murphy's law -- that old saying* "Any bug that can be
> exploited will be."
> *I definitely just made that up, but I do firmly believe it to be true.
>> What do you mean by a freeze attack?  I'm not familiar with this term
>> and I didn't find this post, the PRs, or a quick Google search
>> illuminating.
> Sorry. A freeze attack is similar to a replay attack. In a replay
> attack an attacker would feed the system an older, exploitable version
> of the software being updated so that they could break in. A freeze
> attack is when an attacker feeds the system the same version of the
> software being updated so that critical updates are not installed.
> While portsnap and freebsd-update do check to ensure that what's being
> updated is no older than what's currently on the system they do not
> check to ensure that what's being updated is not the same version as
> what's currently installed.
> -David

A paper I found useful back when I first started digging into portsnap
and freebsd-update is titled "Package Management Security" and can be
found at ftp://ftp.cs.arizona.edu/reports/2008/TR08-02.pdf. It reviews
common attacks against package management systems, analyzes both APT
and YUM, and points out a number of flaws in them. Many of the attacks
discussed also apply to the design of our ports tree management and
binary update systems. A very good read for anyone interested in that
sort of thing.

Baptiste, this conversation made me think of your work on pkgng (I
love it, by the way!), so I thought I'd cc you as well. I don't know
how knowledgeable you are about common attack vectors against package
management systems so I thought maybe this paper would be of some
interest to you. I realize I cut off the first email, so if you're
curious and didn't see my initial message you can find it here:


David Noel
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