> Your report aside, I find portsnap to be far superior in security for
> ports and users.

If you look at the portsnap build code you'll see that the first thing
portsnap does is pull the ports tree from Subversion. It uses the URL
svn://svn.freebsd.org/ports. By not using ssl or svn+ssh the entire
ports archive is exposed to corruption right from the start.

> I wish it knew how to checkout source as well.

Aside from the fact that anyone sitting on a hop between
svn.freebsd.org and the portsnap build server could MITM the entire
ports tree, the main problem here is that the source would have to
come from version control, and the version control system used by the
FreeBSD project is Subversion. If you distrust Subversion you should
be equally distrusting of portsnap and this hypothetical source
checkout system.

> 1. It only allows a secure checkout.

See above. To be fair I think this perception has a lot to do with the
fact that the server side code for portsnap and freebsd-update wasn't
released publicly until a year ago (I'd requested it from Colin while
attempting an audit two years ago). So you, like myself, never really
had a fair chance to review it. I'd always just assumed it was rock
solid. It was, after all, written by the FreeBSD Chief Security
Officer! I'm sure your line of thinking was similar.

Portsnap's first release was in 2005 and freebsd-update's was in 2006.
That means we went a solid 7 years without a public review of either
of those two core components. This is a huge problem, and an important
lesson for the project on the subject of transparency; everything
relating to FreeBSD needs to be open for review no matter who built it
or what their credentials are.

> You can't accidentally checkout svn:// or http://.

You only have to check out the ports tree once so there's really only
one time you're going to have to worry about correctly entering a URL.
That and on the rare occasion that you have to call svn switch, which
you shouldn't have to call to update ports unless one of the mirrors
is down.

Checking out /usr/ports creates a record of the URL used in
/usr/ports/.svn/wc.db. If entering the https:// prefix is really that
big of a deal, which I'm not convinced that it is, why not pre-load an
.svn/ directory into the /usr/ports/ directory at the time the ports
tree is installed? This would eliminate the need to call svn checkout

> 2. It blows away directories with updates. I've witnessed a trojaned
> ports checkout before. 'svn update' does not remove unexpected files,
> nor remove changes. Yes this is a decrease in usability when you've
> modified the file and want to keep the changes, but you can easily make
> a wrapper script to merge in your changes, or use SVN if you really want.

I'm not familiar with what you're talking about so I can't really
respond to it. I guess I'm not clear: you're describing the process
whereby a port containing malicious code is checked out by svn update?
If the malicious code or metadata pointing to malicious code is on svn
it's in portsnap too. I'm not clear on what a "trojaned ports
checkout" is.

> 3. SVN too often gets into confusing situations on 'svn update' that
> require knowledge of how SVN works to resolve the conflict. Even I with
> my ~10 years of SVN experience I get confused often and frustrated when
> not even 'svn revert -R dir; svn up dir' will revert to the upstream
> version (I may have my example off, but that's the point, it's confusing.)

The only issue I've ever run into was an error message saying I needed
to first run svn upgrade. Why were you using svn revert on your ports
tree? Is that a common use case?

Maintaining a local ports repository with Subversion requires
knowledge of, at a minimum, two commands: svn co, and svn up. Actually
you can get away with just one: `svn co https://... /usr/ports`. Any
problem a user may encounter can be fixed with `rm -rf /usr/ports; svn
co https://... /usr/ports`.

If a person is using portsnap it means they're building their own
ports. Make is immeasurably more difficult to use than subversion. If
they're competent enough to wade through the nightmare that often is
building ports on FreeBSD they're certainly competent enough to
familiarize themselves with svn co.

> 4. SVN asks the user to confirm the public key when first using the
> HTTPS repository. I worry this step will be done poorly by users.

If you look at the /root/.subversion/servers configuration file you'll
see that one of its parameters is ssl-authority-files. Using this it
would be simple to include the server's public keys in base, allowing
users to call svn update without having to verify anything. Portsnap
hard-codes the public key fingerprint in /etc/portsnap.conf.

The line from the config file is:
# ssl-authority-files = /path/to/CAcert.pem;/path/to/CAcert2.pem

> 5. SVN requires 'svn upgrade' sometimes, this is also confusing for users.
> 6. The way we do HTTPS is through mirrors only, if you pick the wrong
> mirror it's against hard for the user who doesn't know SVN to change to
> a different mirror. Portsnap already handles mirrors excellently by geo
> location.

Again, if they're using `make` it's safe to say they can handle svn
upgrade and svn switch. Worst case scenario we have to document the
few edge cases svn can throw in the handbook.

> Teaching portsnap how to speak SVN, while still behaving the same, may
> cover my concerns.

That may be simpler than patching portsnap and freebsd-update. I don't
think it would be worth the effort though. I don't see how adding `0 0
* * * svn up /usr/ports` to crontab is any more difficult than adding
`0 0 * * * portsnap cron`.

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